Once up on a time….

elos was designed with a strong embedded and automotive background.

On such devices the interaction with hardware and all its specific events is crucial. But hardware events are not the sole source that needs to be covered. Any event generated from the system needs a proper handling. It is basically not acceptable to ignore error or warning events.

As embedded device are fully wrapped by the device they are embedded in, only the specific applications exist to inform the user or any other instance about things that happened. This brings the need to check each and every place in a Linux system for events and later on to handle them.

And thus the idea was born!

Have one format of events!

Have one to pull them in all! (Yeah Lord of rings)

And that is elos.

Maybe someone has realized that Microsoft Windows has a similar tool called Event Viewer, maybe also that was a source of inspiration.

And as we are talking about embedded… any tool in go, python, etc. was only taken as a source of inspiration.